What we do
The division's companies mainly develop and manufacture technologically advanced radars, ATM systems, mobile towers, ATC simulators and other communication solutions for aviation.
In order to create a unified information channel for reporting unethical, corrupt, illegal, work safety or environmental conduct, CSG AEROSPACE has established the ET-LINK ethics line, where anyone can report the above-mentioned conduct by sending a complaint to [email protected].
CSG Aerospace clearly prefers that complaints are not anonymous, as anonymous complaints are in themselves a risk of unethical behaviour and misuse of the Ethics Line. However, no one is prevented from making a complaint anonymously. The recipient of the complaint is the CSG Aerospace HR Director who, if the complaint is made by email, will acknowledge receipt to the sender and inform the sender within 14 days of how the complaint has been dealt with or what stage it is at. Once the complaint has been resolved, it shall inform the sender of the outcome.
CSG Aerospace declares that it appreciates and encourages reasonable complaints to the Ethics Hotline. This does not, of course, apply to false complaints or complaints intended to unfairly defame another person or company. Such a suggestion in itself constitutes a violation of CSG Aerospace's Code of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Program, with all the consequences that entails.