Compliance Program

For the purpose of CSG Aerospace's anti-corruption program, corruption is defined as conduct that involves the abuse of a position or office for personal gain in violation of the law, ethical rules, and to the detriment of the organizations in which (or for which) the perpetrator of corruption works.
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Anti-corruption programme

Preventive action against corruption risks

CSG Aerospace has decided to join an anti-corruption program designed to:

  • To minimize corruption risks in CSG Aerospace's business activities,
  • prevent corruption risks within the company in the provision of products and services to the company,
  • set an example as a major company in the Czech industry on how to prevent corruption and unethical behaviour.
  • CSG Aerospace's anti-corruption program consists of:

  • CSG Aerospace's Code of Ethics for CSG Aerospace employees, a special section of which is dedicated to public procurement,
  • an ethics hotline where anyone can report corruption or unethical behaviour in relation to CSG Aerospace,
  • a set of processes and measures to assess corruption risks according to the company's activities, employee groups or the different markets in which CSG Aerospace operates.
  • CSG Aerospace's anti-corruption programme is implemented in cooperation with the Czech branch of Transparency International and implements to the maximum extent possible the requirements of the Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index project established by Transparency International in the UK. CSG Aerospace's anti-corruption programme is available not only to the company's employees, but is accessible and usable by the general public, including suppliers, dealers, customers, media and public officials in the Czech Republic and in all other markets where CSG Aerospace operates worldwide.


    Compliance Program Tools

    Ethics Line

    Behaviour that contravenes the law or ethics is unacceptable to us. In order to effectively prevent and detect such conduct, we have established an internal reporting system - an ethics hotline. This line is based on anonymity, confidentiality and objective evaluation of each submission.

    Ethics Line

    Code of Conduct

    The Code of Conduct is a core element of the Group-wide compliance programme. It is the responsibility of all employees, as well as management, to follow these rules in their daily working life.

    Code of Conduct